Last Updated on सितम्बर 9, 2020 by Gov Hindi Jobs

भारत इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स लिमिटेड (BEL) चयन का तरीका – Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Mode Of Selection
=> Candidates should meet the qualifying criteria as specified in the advertisement and their online application should be accepted.
=> A merit list will be prepared, based on the aggregate percentage obtained in BE/B.Tech and work experience, as indicated below:
1) 75% marks will be allotted for aggregate marks scored in BE/B.Tech
2) 10% marks will be allotted for relevant work experience. (2.5 marks for min. stipulated work experience and additional 1.25 marks for every additional 6 months of relevant experience, upto a max of 10 marks)
=> Candidates will be shortlisted for the interviews based on the above, in the ratio of 1:5.
=> 15% marks will be allotted for interview.
Pls note : Candidates have to compulsorily provide the CGPA conversion to percentage of marks, as per the guidelines provide by the concerned University. Failure to do so, will result in disqualification.
Only relevant experience will be considered. The decision of the selection committee, with respect to relevance of experience will be final. Work experience indicated without supporting documents, will not be considered. Intimation w.r.t. conducting of video based interviews will be sent through email. Candidates are required to comply with the instructions indicated therein. The results of the final selection will be available on BEL website.
Relaxation of upper age limit :
1 Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) – 3 years
2 Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe – 5 years
3 Persons with Disability (PwD) having minimum 40% disability – 10 years